Jenita “Jay”
Being plus size women my entire life, I never considered myself beautiful, more or less sexy. I thought my body was something that should be hidden not revealed. However, something changed. When I started doing boudoir photography I realized every woman that came through the door, no matter what size or shape they were, they were vulnerable and unsure of themselves. It was my job to let them know that this was a safe space for all to be celebrated. Creating this space made me also aware that I too needed to be vulnerable. That’s when I did my first shoot with my mentors. They made me realize if I was going to make women feel comfortable I needed to know exactly how they felt as well. So I did my first boudoir session. It was scary at first but after a few minutes I started to feel more confident in my body. With every pose I started to see myself as not just a woman but a sensual, beautiful woman. This was truly an awakening. It was from here that my whole life started to change. When you feel empowered, when you feel aware of your true beauty, when you feel enough, anything is possible! I wish every woman could see themselves in this light. It would truly change everything!